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Table 1 Sample items and respective scales from the survey with mesothelioma researchers

From: Developing sustainable patient and public involvement in mesothelioma research: multi-method exploration with researchers, patients, carers, and patient organisations

Patient and Public Involvement & Engagement (PPI/E) activities at the agenda setting stage







How often do you include the following PPI/E tasks and activities when setting your research agenda?

1. Identifying or generating research topics or questions

2. Prioritising topics for research

3. Providing a patient perspective on outcomes that are important to patients and their families


Extremely beneficial

Quite beneficial

Neither beneficial

nor unhelpful

Somewhat Beneficial

Not at all beneficial

Don’t know, N/A

At which stage of the research do you find PPI/E most beneficial for your own research?

1. Agenda setting

2. Applying for funding

3. Dissemination