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Table 1 Structure and outputs of the Task and Finish groups

From: The INSIGHT project: reflections on the co-production of a quality recognition programme to showcase excellence in public involvement in health and care research

Task and finish group

1. Quality indicators

2. Assessment framework

3. Training framework

4. Quality awards event


Establishment of the overall programme structure and development of the quality indicators

Creation of the assessment framework

Development of an assessor training framework

Creation of the structure and assessment of the logistics of a quality awards event


What is already available?

What is meant by an assessment?

What does the assessor role look like?

What does the structure of the awards event look like?

Who is the target audience?

What evidence would be required?

What kind of documents might assessors need to evaluate?

How would the nomination process work?

What will the structure of the programme look like?

How would the evidence be collected?

What training would assessors need? How might this be delivered and by whom?

How would nominations be assessed and by whom?

What are the descriptors for the quality indicators?

What would the expectations be for each of the four quality levels?

What would an assessment panel look like and where would we recruit them from?

What are the logistical and financial considerations for the awards event?

Membership (professional:public contributors)

8: 5

9: 7

5: 2

3: 5

Number of meetings






QI1. Quality Indicators

AF1. Process Map for Quality Recognition Scheme

TF1. Assessor role descriptors

QAE1. Process Map for Quality Awards Event

QI2. Mind Map

AF2. Scheme Introduction Pack for Participating Organisations

TF2. Assessor Training Pack

TF2. Content of Training Pack regarding Quality Awards Event