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Table 3 Summary of key reflections from public contributors from the review session

From: The INSIGHT project: reflections on the co-production of a quality recognition programme to showcase excellence in public involvement in health and care research


Review topic

Feedback from public contributors


The first steps: What were the initial challenges? What might we have done differently? What did we get right from the get go?

It was accepted by all that what we were trying to achieve as admirable and important. One public contributor said she ‘loved the idea’

It was felt that the initial idea was straightforward

One contributor said that the project appeared too complex and questioned whether the remit was too wide

Some felt ‘slightly overwhelmed’ by the size of the task

One said ‘What a challenge!’ and wasn’t sure how it would go at first

It was felt that we needed to introduce the contributors to the work of Expert Citizens and their model at the beginning

It was agreed that the UKSPI were a good starting point rather than beginning with a blank canvas


The format and structure of the Task and Finish group meetings: What worked? What didn’t? How could we have improved it?

There was broad agreement that the TFG format worked well

The overall size of the groups and proportion of public contributors was seen as appropriate

One felt that the pace of the meetings was about right

Early on in the process, we recognised the benefit of smaller sub-groups for specific topics and this was raised as a positive move in the review session


Contribution: What was your experience of participating in the Task and Finish groups? Did you feel you had opportunity to contribute? Did you feel that your views were listened to?

A number of contributors said that they felt listened to

One said that there was ‘so much positivity’ in the meetings and that ‘all had something to offer’

One contributor stated that we ‘learn a lot from each other’

It was accepted by one participant as the development of the framework was an ‘iterative process’


Co-production: Co-production is about shared ownership, power and decisions as well as respect, openness and value. Where did we succeed in achieving this? Where did we miss this?

There was agreement among the public contributors that we had achieved our goal of co-production

Several shared their previous experiences where co-production was claimed but not achieved

One contributor said she was ‘amazed at how much had been done’

One member felt that the Core Team should have had more lay input


Communication: Did you feel that the communication was adequate? Appropriately worded?

It was generally felt that communication during the TFGs was appropriate

One member said that she didn’t know much about it when the project started, highlighting the importance of adequate information before the start of the TFGs

One contributor felt that updates following completion of each TFG could have been more frequent