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Table 5 Priorities for research to improve fundamental care on hospital wards

From: Determining priorities for research to improve fundamental care on hospital wards

Research themes (rank position after voting)

Views from the consultation

1. Nurse staffing

- Having time (eg. member of staff taking time to find carer, time to do complete care)

- Lack of time (eg. to respond to call bells, care undone)

- Nurse workloads

- Sufficient time for staff to be able to take breaks

- Improving staffing levels

- Use of agency staff (to cover shortages)

• When asked about care that had not gone well−28 % of survey respondents referred to staffing levels

• Most frequent response to the question ‘if we could focus on just one factor care which would it be?’ (30 % selected it-twice as many as for other topics. It ranked ranking it no.1 out of 14)

• Staff were more likely (37 %) than patients/public (14 %) to refer to ‘Nurse staffing’ as a priority topic

2 = Individualised patient care

- Assessing patient care needs (fully)

- Individualised care plans to meet patient needs (less reliance on standardised protocols)

- Appropriate clinical care

- Holistic/patient centred care

- ‘Putting the patient first’

- Clear care plans

- Treating the person not the condition

• This wasn’t listed as one of the ‘pre-set’ topics, but came up frequently in people’s answers on good and bad care, and what differentiates the two

• Staff & patients/public both see this as key issue in good care (referred to by 32 % in the survey)

• It emerges as an ‘over-arching theme’ to which all of the other topics connect

2 = Staff Communication (generally)

- Between health care professionals

- Sharing information between staff

- Patient education: what to expect & how to have a say in their care

- Style of communication-patient, skilful

- Staff listening to patients

- Honesty in communication

• Came up as a key issue in both staff and patient discussion groups

• It was the most frequently discussed issue in relation to both good (43 %) and poor care (49 %)-and is the single issue accounting for most responses.

• High ranking topic in response to ‘if we could only focus one topic’ (13 %) and had highest average research priority score (4.4 out of 5 for patients/public, 4.5 for staff)

• Large proportion of patients/public refer to staff communication as factor when care has not gone well (60 %, vs 45 % staff)

4. Staff attitudes & relationships with patients

- Ethos and values

- ‘Care’ about patients

- See patients as people

- Maintaining compassion in staff

- Relational care

- ‘defensive medicine’ (making decisions on basis of being able to ‘defend’ them, rather than judgement of what is best for patient)

• An issue that came up as a theme in the patient/public discussion groups (closely linked to the communication themes)

• The second most frequently cited issue raised in relation to quality of care-33 % refer to it in when talking about care that’s gone well, 31 % in relation to poor care.

5. Information about care/communication

- Between staff and patients/carers

- From patients to staff

- Provision of information to patients

- Informed consent procedures

- Information (eg. using prompt sheet)

• One of the 3 topics that got highest ‘priority’ score (for both patients and staff-scoring 4.3 out of 5)

• Some overlap with staff communication ‘generally’