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Table 3 Workstation 3 – Stigma and attitudes

From: Priority setting in research: user led mental health research

How much money is spent on research into stigma and is this cost effective?


What training do GPs receive to recognise and combat the effects of stigma?


What are the attitudes of GPs, nurses and other NHS staff towards Mental Health service users? And do they receive training to combat the effects of stigma (their own and that of others)?


How can attitudes of all staff within GP practices towards mental health service users be improved?


Do service users experience ‘self-stigmatisation’?


Is there enough initial support and information? What would be most helpful after initial diagnosis?


Are labels useful? Is it possible to change the negative effect of labelling? Is it possible for service users to create their own (positive) labels?


How can service users be provided with hope and direction to prevent self-stigma?


Build a data bank of positive stories, in particular where negative labels were turned into positives.


How can families of service users be helped to combat their lack of understanding, and be educated to recognise and react positively to the triggers and symptoms of mental distress?


What causes people to have preconceived ideas about mental health? How can these be changed?


Within family units, what causes people’s reactions to their family member who is experiencing mental illness? Is this different from their attitude to a stranger with mental illness?


How much do the media affect people’s attitudes to mental illness?


What terminology and labels are commonly used to describe people experiencing mental illness?


What understanding do people (adults and children) have of mental illness and the effects of the labels used to describe it?