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Table 5 Workstation 5 – Employment

From: Priority setting in research: user led mental health research

Can work be therapeutic? What is the role of employment in promoting physical and mental well-being?


What are the positive contributions of employment to mental health e.g. focus, dedication?


Is meaningful and appropriate work available to service users who may require an adapted environment, flexi time, specialist support etc.?


What are the challenges of returning to work?


What effect might the Health and Safety Act have on service users wishing to return to work?


Is it possible to make a business case for employers to take on people with mental health issues?


How can an ‘institutionalised’ service user be persuaded to return to work?


How can employers be educated and encouraged to employ people with a mental health problem?


Why do some employers have preconceived ideas that people with a disability will be less productive than others?


Can people with mental health problems be of benefit to an employer?


What support is there for people with mental health problems to become self-employed?


Can service users going into employment be persuaded that, even if they lose benefits, they will increase their self-esteem?


Is ‘transitional support’ available for people with mental health problems accessing or returning to employment? Is training and support provided for supporters?


What are the positive effects of having a person with mental health problems in the work force?


Is it possible to provide ‘Ambassadors’ to link employers with service users and to help overcome barriers to employment?


Is there a difference in the ‘barriers’ to employment experienced by people with different types of mental illness e.g. bipolar disorder, schizophrenia?


Is there discrimination against people with ‘sectionable’ illness in voluntary roles as well as in paid employment?


What can be done to help service users achieve employment in their chosen field e.g. IT training etc.