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Table 1 Issues identified for further qualitative inquiry

From: Setting the research agenda for living with and beyond cancer with comorbid illness: reflections on a research prioritisation exercise

 • Explore the complex symptom experience, blurring of symptoms, and the intersection with perceptions and expectations of ageing.

 • Understand  help-seeking and negotiating health services for more than one illness.

 • Explore illness identity and the meaning of cancer in comparison to the other illness, with attention to issues such as cancer and other illness type, severity and sequencing.

 • Ascertain views on the notion of holistic care and continuity of care between specialists and other health and social care providers and the challenges of providing this form of care.

 • Explore preferences for treatment decision-making, professional support and follow-up, including views on specialist versus primary care.

 • Examine views on self-management and supported self-management