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Table 6 Relationship maintenance challenges and strategies reported by investigators and research partners

From: Researchers, patients, and other stakeholders’ perspectives on challenges to and strategies for engagement

Relationship maintenance






Examples of Specific Strategies


• Being responsive to diverse partner perspectives and using their guidance

• Develop group facilitation skills

• Adapt engagement goals in response to partners’ needs

• Practice or learn skills in active listening, giving everyone a voice, facilitating respectful dialogue, navigating differences of opinion

• Ensure research project goals match the capabilities and priority populations served by partner organizations

Investigators and partners

• Having shared language of research terminology and concepts

• Maintaining diverse partner representation

• Use accessible language

• Communicate frequently

• Consistently communicate value of partners’ contributions

• Create a glossary of research and health terms

• Send meeting notes regardless of meeting attendance

• Ensure regular communication to partners to describe partners’ influence on study and value to the research process (e.g., newsletter, standing agenda item)


• Managing expectations about project progress

• Experiencing perspective as understood and valueda

• Knowing impact of contributiona

• Clarify roles and expectations throughout the project

• Clearly define the purpose of partnerships and partner roles

• Create opportunities to define new partner roles and recalibrate expectations across study course

  1. a Challenge theme was more prominent among respondents who identified as patients/consumers, caregivers/family members, representative of patient/caregiver advocacy organizations, and representatives of community-based organizations compared to other stakeholder respondents (i.e., clinicians, representative of clinics, hospitals, health systems, payers, policymakers, and subject matter experts)