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Table 2 Public Involvement Values and Principles and UK Standards for Public Involvement

From: ‘All hands-on deck’, working together to develop UK standards for public involvement in research

INVOLVE Values and Principles

Health Care Research Wales Principles

UK Standards


Researchers, research organisations and the public respect one another’s roles and perspectives

Advocating respect, so researchers and the public show mutual respect for each other’s roles and perspectives and all parties are recognised and acknowledged for their contributions

Working Together


Researchers, research organisations and the public have access to practical and organisational support to involve and be involved

Supporting public involvement and engagement, ensuring researchers and the public access to the support necessary to enable them to involve and be involved;

Support and Learning


Researchers, research organisations and the public are clear and open about the aims and scope of involvement in the research

Promoting transparency in relationships between the public and researchers as well as transparency in Health and Care Research Wales Public Delivery Board decision making;

Working Together




Researchers and research organisations actively respond to the input of public members involved in research



Fairness of opportunity

Researchers and research organisations ensure that public involvement in research is open to individuals and communities without discrimination

Encouraging diversity so involvement and engagement occurs with relevant groups with equal opportunity, and inclusivity

Inclusive Opportunities


Researchers, research organisations and the public are accountable are accountable for their involvement in research and to people affected by the research

Demonstrating accountability, of Health and Care Research Wales but also researchers to the communities and members of the public they involve and engage in their work



High quality and meaningful public involvement in both Health and Care Research Wales, and in health and social care research more widely



Encouraging appropriate public involvement and engagement throughout the research process, from setting research priorities through to dissemination of research

Inclusive Opportunities