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Table 1 Parenting Science Gang Facebook Groups in Year 1 and 2, including description of how they were recruited

From: Parenting Science Gang: radical co-creation of research projects led by parents of young children

Facebook Group Name


Origin of Group

Breastfeeding Older Babies and Beyond (BOBAB)


SC was a long-standing member of this group, thought it would be a good fit for the project, and approached the admins and had a number of discussions leading to a partnership

UK Breastfeeding and Parenting Support (UKBAPS)


Nappy Science Gang active member was an admin and suggested the collaboration

Science-Aware Natural Parenting (SANP)


Contact from Nappy Science Gang

Dumfries and Galloway Bumps Babies and Beyond (DGBBB)


An active member of Nappy Science Gang was a member of this group and suggested it

Mealtime Hostage (MH)


Applied to become a group via a process advertised on our website and Facebook page

Breastfeeding Health Care Experiences (BF HCE)


Discussions within PSG BOBAB and UKBAPS groups led to the creation of this group which then recruited members from other PSG groups, and other interested parenting groups

Let Toys Be Toys (LTBT)


RB member of LTBT and invited them to collaborate

Big Birthas (BB)


SC met at a conference