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Table 1 Public Involvement Framework for PROM Development; Adapted from Carlton et al. [10]

From: Creativity in public involvement: supporting authentic collaboration and inclusive research with seldom heard voices

PROM development stage

PI involvement

1. Establish a need for new or refined PROM

- Review existing PROMs

- Critique existing PROMs

- Determine whether a new PROM is needed

2. Development of a conceptual framework

- Review of conceptual model to ensure validity

3. Identifying item content

- Input on study design

- Input on culturally appropriate issues

- Input on participant-facing documents

- Input on ethics and governance considerations

4. Item development

- Analysis and interpretation of qualitative interviews

- Advice and input on working of potential items

5. Item reduction

- Identify potentially redundant items

- Identify items that could benefit from rewording

- Input and advice in ordering of items

6. Pre-testing of items (cognitive interviews/debriefing)

- Input on study design, methodology, recruitment, design and content of public facing document, and conducting the interviews

- Analysis and/or interpret results

7. Psychometric survey design

- Input on study design

8. Psychometric survey analysis

- Advice on the interpretation of the results

- Ensure validity of findings

9. Selection of items for the PROM

- Advice on final selection of items

- Consideration of number of items to be included

- Advice and input into how PROM may be used in clinical settings

10. Design of the PROM

- Advice and input of format and layout of PROM

- Advice on instructions of how to complete PROM, framing of questions, working of response options, and order of items

11. Dissemination and promotion of PROM

- Co-authorship and co-presenting

- Advice on strategies for wider dissemination

- Input on content of materials to ensure appropriate language and terminology are used