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Table 1 Results from Baseline Survey: Parent Experience (n = 9)

From: Development and evaluation of a parent advisory group to inform a research program for knowledge translation in child health


Strongly Agree

n (%)

Somewhat Agree

n (%)

Neither Agree nor Disagree

n (%)

Somewhat Disagree

n (%)

Strongly Disagree

n (%)

I understand the purpose of P-PAG.

8 (89)

1 (11)

I understand my own role on the P-PAG.

8 (89)

1 (11)

The supports I need to participate P-PAG are available (e.g., travel costs, preparation for meetings).

7 (78)

1 (11)

1 (11)

I have enough information to contribute to the topics being discussed.

8 (89)

1 (11)

I feel confident contributing to the discussions.

7 (78)

2 (22)

I have the opportunity to express my opinions when I have something to say.

7 (78)

2 (22)

I feel that my views are heard.

8 (89)

1 (11)

I feel that my views are respected and valued.

6 (67)

1 (11)

1 (11)

1 (11)

It is clear when and why my opinions are being sought.

7 (78)

2 (22)

If there are differences of opinion or disagreements, they are handled appropriately.

4 (44)

4 (44)

1 (11)

I feel P-PAG is a good use of my time.

6 (67)

2 (22)

1 (11)

If we needed members, I would be comfortable recommending P-PAG to a colleague or friend.

6 (67)

3 (33)

I think P-PAG will make a difference in Pediatric Research.

3 (33)

3 (33)

3 (33)

I am confident that P-PAG will yield the desired outcomes.

3 (33)

3 (33)

3 (33)