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Table 3 Adaptations of a participatory approach with adults with lived experience of homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic

From: Challenges and adaptations to public involvement with marginalised groups during the COVID-19 pandemic: commentary with illustrative case studies in the context of patient safety research



Ensuring that the research remains relevant with regards to changes in the research environment e.g. primary care during the pandemic

The scope of the research was amended due to changes in primary care during the pandemic. This ensured that the research remained relevant to people with lived experience of homelessness and to stakeholders

Researcher difficulties in building rapport with participants when they could not meet face to face

The Groundswell researcher shared information about themselves and their lived experience of homelessness early on in the conversation when speaking to participants over the telephone

Digital barriers to recruitment of research participants and involvement of public contributors with lived experience

Gatekeepers such as hostel workers distributed the participant information sheet, introduced the study, and arranged a time for the Groundswell researcher to call

Telephone interviews were conducted with maximum flexibility and did not depend on ability to connect to and use an internet platform

For reimbursement, vouchers were posted to staff (e.g. hostel workers) or were emailed directly to participants where appropriate

The Groundswell advisory group were supported to meet online