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Table 1 Example of guiding questions for reflection

From: Co-designing a cancer care intervention: reflections of participants and a doctoral researcher on roles and contributions

Were your knowledge and experience of CIPN considered?

Did your level of participation change at all during the whole process? In what way/s?

Did your beliefs/views/opinions of the co-design process changed when you attended workshops with patients? With clinicians? Joint meetings? In what way/s?

Were your issues, concerns, views, opinions, voice heard?

How was the decision-making?

Were there challenges in the co-design process?

What facilitated the co-design process?

Describe your understanding of the term ‘co-design’ before and after the project?

What was your favourite part of the process? Why?

Your least favourite part? Why?

What was it like working with other people with same experience? With clinicians? With the visual illustrator/film developer/graphic designer?

Do you consider yourself a ‘co-designer’ of the intervention? Why or why not?

Who owns the intervention?