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Table 4 Theme 3 results on support with subthemes, categories, and examples

From: The views of people living with chronic stroke and aphasia on their potential involvement as research partners: a thematic analysis




The support required for active and collaborative involvement



Participant testimonies

Technological support (3)

Online meetings (2)

Communication via email (3)

Computer assistance (3)

Speech recognition software (1)

[G.G] “For example if we are deciding that we are going to do a questionnaire, do it online. Yes? Because it's different countries is difficult…. So we are not travel and we cannot meet. So we're doing online meetings”

[C.C] “We can communicate with email. So I have time to respond, think and write”

[L.L] “It's difficult to write…. I can write with my left hand. And, indeed. But it's more difficult. But I can write by computer”

[J.J] “Because of the D.D program that that I have. With which, by the way, I used to do all the lectures and so on [short pause]. D.D is a speech recognition program. And it's a bilingual program. And so, it's always with English, English, German, English, French, English, Greek, and so on. And I dictate to the program […] the computer then types the text into the file”

Contextual support (3)

Reading quietly (1)

Simplified text (2)

Bullet points (1)

Accessible format (2)

Translate online (1)

[A.A] “I can read it slowly slowly, I mean quietly, and I use a highlighter and if I find difficulties, my mum or dad help me out to understand them or my siblings”

[J.J] “Yes, short sentences would be easier for me”

[L.L] “I can read. I can read without the images, the pictures. I can have a pattern that I would… that someone can help. I would like to…It's also difficult for me to understand in English. For me it's more or less bullet points”

[C.C] […]“Pictures and simple words is help in the text”

[A.A] “Emm when a find a word is unknown, I will search for it and I find its translation in Greek or English, online with a computer”

Third party support (4)

Communication partner (2)

Family member (2)

Between PWA (1)

[C.C] “I would like to be with someone with the English very good to help me with the team […] like the student in the aphasia group [short pause] to help with the group things to do in the team”

[L.L] “I can write it but I I can I need to reread, reread, reread, reread, and I send my documents to my father, my girlfriend, my sister [short pause] to examine”

[A.A] “People with aphasia can help other people with aphasia to understand and speak in the team”

  1. In parenthesis is the number of participants that reported on each subtheme and subcategory