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Table 1 Eligibility criteria

From: Approaches to co-production of research in care homes: a scoping review




Population: care homes providing care for older adults

Care homes providing care for older adults defined as such by the authors (e.g. elders, older people, older adults)

Evidence focussing on care homes that provide care exclusively for people who are under the age of 65

Concept: co-production

Studies that explicitly state co-production, co-creation or co-design were used. The original authors’ assessment of the approach used was the basis for inclusion because we were interested in studies that had consciously set out to apply these approaches, and due to the variation in how these terms are conceptualised and operationalised in the literature, as described in the background to this review

Evidence focussing on involvement, engagement, or consultation of older care home residents or care staff without specific reference to co-production, co-creation or co-design

Concept: global care home settings

Research conducted in residential or nursing care home settings in any country

Research conducted in settings which do not provide permanent, 24-h personal care and support (for example home care, retirement communities, assisted-living, intermediate care or hospital-based settings)

Types of literature

Peer-reviewed primary studies using any quantitative or qualitative methods were included

Editorials, opinion pieces, protocols, systematic reviews and grey literature


English language

Non-English languages


Any year of publication
