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Table 2 The innovative PPIE approach mapped onto UK standards for public involvement and engagement with consideration of areas for improvement

From: Online comic-based art workshops as an innovative patient and public involvement and engagement approach for people with chronic breathlessness

UK standard

Summary of standard

Activity—how the standard was met

Areas for improvement

Inclusive opportunities

Offering public involvement opportunities that are accessible and reach people and groups according to research needs

Comic-based illustrations to describe complex and emotive symptoms in those who may find verbal communication difficult due to feelings of illegitimacy, breathlessness, cognitive issues, feelings of marginalisation

Due to COVID-19 the workshops were delivered online and therefore only accessible to those with access to a computer and IT skills. However, the workshops could be delivered face-to-face. Future work needs to include a more diverse population in terms of class and ethnicity (all group members were white)

Working together

Work together in a way that values all contributions, and that builds and sustains mutually respectful and productive relationships

Recognising the role of the participants in shaping the research programme and developing the logo demonstrates value

Consider how the researcher being active participants impacted the outcomes

The researchers were active participants in the workshops. Sharing the experience helps to foster trust and build relationships

Make the purpose of the workshops very clear (e.g., give an example of how this type of activity has shaped other research programmes)

Support and learning

Offer and promote support and learning opportunities that build confidence and skills for public involvement in research

PPI through a shared experience which is enjoyable is less intimidating and provides an example of a PPI activity

Ask participants to evaluate the workshops formally and take this feedback forward to other PPI activities


Sharing illustrations and experiences helps build confidence and relationships


Use plain language for well-timed and relevant communications as part of involvement plans and activities

Use of non-verbal communication, namely comics, promotes imagination and storytelling, facilitating ‘meaning-making’

People may have been less open on an online platform —create a space for people to disclose information privately and on reflection

To develop a communication plan with the PPI contributors to consider modes of communication and content


Seek improvement by identifying and sharing the difference that public involvement makes to research

Communicating the impact of their contributions to the workshop participants and the wider Breathe Easy group members. Writing this up as a academic paper. Presenting drawings as medical graphics and at an art event

Gather participants reflections on the impact the PPI activity has had

Informs project focus (reframing balance) to loss of control regaining steadiness. The logo offers a tangible demonstration of their input



Involve the public in research management, regulation, leadership and decision making

Setting ground rules to respect everyone’s voice and to keep shared experiences confidential

Increase involvement in the planning stage for PPI involvement and the types of activities

Respecting confidentiality when embedding descriptions into written publications and reports