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Table 2 Eligibility and Inclusion and Exclusion criteria

From: Understanding the identity of lived experience researchers and providers: a conceptual framework and systematic narrative review


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria



Population of sample were lived experience researchers and providers (defined as those with mental or physical disability). Mental or physical disability are not specified. Participants aged 18 years old and above


Lived experience researcher and providers who may also be referred to as experts by experience, peer researchers, co-researchers, lived experience researchers, service user researchers, disability researchers, survivor researchers and/or practitioners with lived experience including mental health professionals with mental or physical disabilities and also peer support workers and peer workers. In the context of mental health, education and research

Lived experience researchers and providers in the context of physical healthcare conditions and contexts outside of mental health, education and research. Medical students and medical doctors


Phenomenon of Interest

The study had to explore the effect lived experience researcher and provider roles on identity

Studies that did not focus on the effect of lived experience roles on identity. Studies on identity in relation to aspects of identity such as LGBT, gender, social class and ethnicity, national and political. Studies that used Erikson’s model of identity development and Freud’s Id, Ego and Superego theory



Qualitative interviews, not limited by design, methodology or philosophical epistemology




Conceptualisation of identity, causes, effects, related factors, sample size, year published, methodologies, philosophical epistemology, key findings and study location

Published in the English language but not limited by country of origin



Research type

Peer reviewed studies Qualitative empirical studies Published between January 2000 and May 2022

Purely theoretical or conceptual papers and the grey literature

  1. SPIDER tool for qualitative research, Cook et al. [43]