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Table 1 Timeline and curriculum for public health Special Olympics co-research training

From: Developing and implementing a public health co-research program for Special Olympics athletes


Learning goals

Exercises and activities

Lecture material

Week 1: 10/02/2021

What is health research?

Icebreakers and introductions

Health research survey

READI module 1 workbook

Week 2: 10/16/2021

The research process

1–1 interview practice

Draft your own research question

READI module 3 workbook

Week 3: 10/23/2021

Begin research project

Left vs. Right hand data collection

Draft research idea and questions for coaches

Survey design and confidentiality powerpoint

Week 4: 11/06/2021

Types of research

Hydration survey development and data collection

What is public health powerpoint

Week 5: 11/13/2021

Data analysis and presentation of results

Analyze survey results

Continued final research project work

Week 6: 11/20/2021

Final session wrap-up

Final presentation

Pizza party