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Table 5 Recommendations

From: Using the UK standards for public involvement to evaluate the public involvement sections of annual reports from NIHR managed research centres

For public contributors, researchers, PPIE leads, senior research leads and award holders:


To continue to apply the UK Standards as a basis for good PPIE practice

To co-produce effective and inclusive ways of working together which include both online and in-


person PPIE activities


To collaborate with local and national partners to build relationships with the public through inclusive community engagement, particularly with under-served communities


To work with public contributors when reporting PPIE activities within the annual reports


To report on the outcomes of PPIE, where appropriate, instead of ambitions or processes alone


To encourage the reporting of the challenges and successes relating to PPIE activities

For the NIHR (as a research centre funder)


To create a platform which enables research centres to share and reward areas of PPIE excellence


To co-produce a guide or ‘tool kit’ for gathering and managing public contributors’ information appropriately and securely


To consider how commercial partners can be supported to increase the breadth and quality of PPIE activities


To encourage and support the further adoption of the NIHR Race Equality Framework [16] and to provide further guidance regarding how best to involve people from other underserved communities and people with protected characteristics


To share opportunities for public involvement across research centres to increase the diversity and reach of public involvement


To promote the broadening of the UK Standards to include engagement activities