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Table 1 An ethical approach to PPI: adapting the approach for this project

From: A framework for more equitable, diverse, and inclusive Patient and Public Involvement for palliative care research


Ethical approach



Prioritise PPI for palliative care research

All co-applicants and researchers were committed to PPI. Well defined workstream and clear aims for PPI for the partnership were agreed


Ensure equity of access to PPI (Justice)

RE-EQUIPP had a specific focus on Equity, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Opportunities to extend PPI to people from diverse and deprived backgrounds were devised in collaboration with existing groups, including the University of Sheffield DeepEnd Research Alliance, based in primary care serving the most diverse and deprived populations


Agree language and work towards a shared understanding of tasks

Language in palliative care was discussed early and a “jargon buster” created


Gain verbal informed consent for PPI

PPI members voluntarily joined the partnership and workshops. Information was provided so that PPI members could make an informed choice about whether to volunteer. PPI members were reminded that they were under no obligation to take part and could stop attending / end their involvement at any point in the partnership work


Maximise the benefits for PPI group members

Potential benefits for PPI members included being involved in new learning as the partnership developed, building new networks, opportunity to co—design new resources, take part in presentations, writing papers and future research grant applications


Minimise the risk of harm

Each aspect of PPI was designed carefully to avoid potential harm (including emotional distress). Meeting agendas and activities were designed in partnership with PPI members either specifically for an event, and overseen by the Steering Group, where there were two PPI members


Provide training for the researcher

Researchers with a range of PPI experiences worked together through the hub and spoke model of the RE-EQUIPP partnership to share experiences and learning


Offer training for the PPI group

An informal pre-workshop meeting was held to ensure PPI members felt they were prepared and had the skills to contribute. The workshops were exploratory in nature so no specific training was required


Provide funding and recognition

PPI members were reimbursed for their time and expenses with either bank transfers or vouchers, according to their preference