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Table 2 Evaluation feedback and learning

From: A framework for more equitable, diverse, and inclusive Patient and Public Involvement for palliative care research


Area of feedback

Illustrative quotes


Clarity of aims

“The quality of the information, the presentations and the way it was designed to involve everyone”

Feeling valued and able to contribute

“The enthusiasm, the fact that we are all heard and listened to. Mostly, the fact that something we suggest is being taken up”

Accessibility and diversity of the group

“The rainbow of insights and experience of the group. It will help the medical community put together the best possible plans for the project, we were discussing. It came out, what the needs of patients are. The small suggestions that came out, that can make such a huge difference”

Future learning

Further preparation for the workshops would clarify aims and enable more involvement

“Maybe more reading material beforehand to really absorb the breadth of initiatives taking place”

Workshops could be improved with clearer structure and objectives, so that PPI members could understand the expectations of the research team and contribute more effectively

“Workshops were well managed and respected, but these could have been more structured and prepared with key objectives and outcomes clearly communicated both in advance of the workshop and immediately after the event (within 2 or 3 weeks maximum)”

Follow-up after the workshops is necessary

“There was so much to discuss, and we often ran out of time during the breakout sessions. Would love to be updated about progress”