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Table 2 Content and structure of workshops Ia & Ib

From: Recommendations for successful involvement of patient partners in complex intervention research: a collaborative learning process



Welcome and a brief introduction to PPI using the PPI guidance developed by the PPI research group in ResCenPI [26]

10-min lecture

Case study [21]—how to engage patient partners in all phases of the research process and the impact on patient partners

15-min presentation

Case study [20]—the challenges in the relationship between researcher and patient partner and the impact on patient partners

15-min presentation

Based on own experiences, the participants identified their challenges

5 min using an interactive presentation tool [27] all participants could write down their challenges, and everybody’s responses were shown as a word cloud, with the word mentioned most in the centre and biggest

One of the four most-mentioned challenges was picked by each group, and they collaboratively suggested initiatives to overcome their chosen challenge

15 min of group work

Using a pictorial template on worksheets (shown in Fig. 1), the participants worked in groups of 6–8

The groups presented their initiatives

15 min of plenum discussion in total