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Table 3 Content and structure of workshop II

From: Recommendations for successful involvement of patient partners in complex intervention research: a collaborative learning process



Brief introductions

All participants introduced themselves by talking about their experiences with PPI

Based on own experiences, the participants identified their challenges

Using yellow notes, the participants had 5 min to write down challenges. Afterwards, the patient partners presented their yellow notes individually and then put them in the middle of the table. Notes that mentioned the same challenge were put together

The patient partners chose three of the challenges they had mentioned and collaboratively found initiatives to overcome their chosen challenges

Using a pictorial template (shown in Fig. 1), the participants worked as a group

The patient partners validated the worksheets developed in the first two workshops on both challenges and initiatives

The worksheets developed by the participants in the two earlier workshops were shown to the patient partners. The patient partners’ reflections were added to these worksheets