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Table 2 PPI considerations for the SALuBRITY trial

From: Involving patients and clinicians in the development of a randomised clinical trial protocol to assess spinal manual therapy versus nerve root injection for patients with lumbar radiculopathy: a patient and public involvement project to inform the SALuBRITY trial design




Considerations for SALuBRITY trial

Participant information document


Patient-clinician relationship

Enable single point of contact for patients throughout trial participation

Patient-centred care

Prioritize patient well-being

Escalation protocol

Develop treatment cross-over protocol

Establish study emergency withdrawal protocol


Record patient treatment preference


Ensure minimal exposure to unnecessary treatment



Assure equal treatment methods across both trial intervention arms

Ensure no use of untested experimental interventions


Inform about possible varying response to treatment

Describe efforts to prevent negative treatment effects


Establish sufficient support during trial participation

Offer experienced chiropractor treatment delivery


Clinician costs


Avoid time-consuming recruiting process

Simplify recruitment documents


Allow ongoing patient care by recruiting clinician during trial participation

Patient costs

Offer tailored trial recruitment and enrolment time (e.g., acute vs. chronic radiculopathy)

Minimize the number of in-person study visits

Recruitment process

Restrict participation to relevant range of pain intensity (e.g., 4–7 out of 10 on pain NRS)

Align treatment initiation urgency with pain intensity



Measure and document additional medications, therapies, and activities

Outcome measures

Record average and peak pain intensity

Include mobility, quality of life, and psychological stress as secondary outcomes

Individualize primary outcome pain location and document on trial enrolment

Improve PEG scale comprehension by explaining “average”, providing examples for “pain interference on general activities”, and incorporating a visual aid

Pain medication


Adopt a pragmatic approach for pain medication discontinuation

Offer alternative pain treatment

Develop emergency medication protocol

Clinician communication, engagement, and interaction

Contact potential clinician collaborators in person

Provide feedback/status updates on trial events and milestones concerning their referred patient

Implement study reminders (e.g., monthly via mail/newsletter) and disseminate findings/results

  1. NRS numeric rating scale, PEG scale pain, enjoyment of life and general activity scale