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Table 2 Practical learnings

From: Co-designing a personalised care plan for patients with rectal cancer: reflections and practical learnings




A vision statement to set up expectations for the group and establish what consumer involvement will look like

A clear agenda for each meeting, to be discussed at the end of the preceding meeting

Documents to be available for an appropriate amount of time pre-meeting, so that everyone has the opportunity to prepare

Allow for in person and virtual meetings for enhanced accessibility

Meeting structure

Regular meetings that run to time

Consistent communication around the project or any team updates

Clearly identified host/facilitator of the meeting

Team culture

Expectation setting at the beginning of the project and revisited throughout

Commitment to addressing existing power dynamics so that the group can act as an “equal team”, where everyone feels respected and able to contribute

Having experienced consumers in the group to help guide the consumer interactions

Institutional support, such as having a Consumer Manager and consumer co-ordinator and remunerating consumers for their involvement, to ensure that consumers are appropriately supported throughout their involvement