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Table 2 Hub-specific recommendations

From: Co-producing an online patient public community research hub: a qualitative study exploring the perspectives of national institute for health research (NIHR) research champions in England




Use more infographics and minimal text on webpages

Plain Language Summaries should be co-written with patients and members of the public and text kept to a minimum

Provide links about health and care research with more detailed information, behind simple icons, or images

Use more creative methods for sharing information with patients and members of the public

Newsletters are valued sources of information about local health and care research projects and opportunities

A link to a glossary of research terms would be helpful

Avoid using the term ‘lay summaries’ as it is viewed as condescending. Researchers should use the term Plain Language/ English summary, as this is preferable


Ensure navigation is easy through providing “back” buttons and “search boxes”

Ensure colour combinations are carefully selected

Use audio and subtitles on videos

An informal feel is preferred so as not to feel “too academic”

The option to provide comments or provide feedback would be valued


Use trustworthy sites e.g., via NHS platforms, Patient Panel Groups associated with General Practices, charities, support groups, or organisations to help to signpost to the hub

Signpost to hub in non-digital ways e.g. community noticeboards

Advertise on social media to reach under-served communities


More photos of health and social care researchers on webpages would create a more approachable feel

Online PPIE events with researchers, led by members of the public, would help to develop relationships between patients, members of the public and HEI’s

Patients and members of the public would like more interaction with researchers

Interactive functions to share thoughts and experiences of health and care research would be valued